Impossible Silence



~ June 2010 ~








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ESDE – Systematic Study of the Spiritist Doctrine – Book 1. On  going course.  
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Weekly Doctrinal meeting:@ Parnell Community Centre.545 Parnell Road19:00 – 20:30
10 11 12
ESDE – Systematic Study of the Spiritist Doctrine – Book 1. On going course.  
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Weekly Doctrinal meeting:@ Parnell Community Centre.545 Parnell Road19:00 – 20:30
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3RD FESTA JUNINA@ Parnell Community Centre.545 Parnell Road14:00 – 19:00
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Weekly Doctrinal meeting:@ Parnell Community Centre.545 Parnell Road19:00 – 20:30
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ESDE – On a break until mid August  
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Weekly Doctrinal meeting:@ Parnell Community Centre.545 Parnell Road19:00 – 20:30
ESDE – On a break until mid August 































Impossible Silence


Sometimes slow, sometimes fast, the progress always marches. Nobody can withhold it.
It is a natural life process that evolves without ever stopping.
The same occurs with the truth. It cannot be hindered of appearing.
The more lucid the civilization, the more clearly the knowing of the truth is presented.
It’s become enlarged and, even when shaded by preconceptions and arbitrary behaviours, it breaches the apparent impediment and shines with splendour.
The truth is unique, although, in most circumstances, only some of its faces are known.
Quite often the words change it, confusing who search it, causing difficulties and troubles in its understanding.
Individuals use it according to both their mental model and moral interest.
In its name they kill.
Under its flag they pursue people.
They distort it, using tendentious and prejudiced interpretations.
All people intend to possess it and when they think to be able to stop or to hold it, it escapes and becomes enlarged.
They try to suffocate it somewhere and it appears in another place.
Unbeatable it ends impregnating the minds and sheltering in the hearts.
The truth is transparent as the light of the dawn. It is the life that nourishes and the bread that feeds.
Therefore it is impossible to silence it. Since the most remote times men fear it, and therefore they are not used to accept it naked.
People create illusions for themselves and prefer to receive it decorated as fancies, fable, or symbols.
Many people still prefer to ignore the truth, because to accept it is to see itself in the crossroads of the decision.
One cannot be like they have before anymore, it is necessary to overcome and to improve oneself.
To postpone the truth means both to continue in the ignorance, and to continue suffering.
Jesus affirmed that the truth frees.
It frees because it breaches handcuffs and it dignifies, imposing us, as a consequence, responsibility and duty.
Peter and John had coexisted with the Nazarene master and from Him they had received the example of truth, expressed in the words and the behaviour.
Although Peter, victim of his own weakness has denied the Christ, later, supported by the truth, raised himself again and became its ambassador.
John, on his turn, always lived the plenitude of truth.
After the departure of the master, John and Peter, spokesmen of good news, had been imprisoned because they made the good in His name.
It was another attempt of the powerful ones to intimidate and to suffocate the truth.
But for Peter and John, it did not matter if they lost their body anymore.
They already had conscience that with the truth they gained the life.
Thus, in spite of all the persecutions and threats that they had suffered from that moment, they conserved themselves firm, faithful to the truth and to the example of Jesus.


The truth expressed by Christ persists incorruptible despite the time, through both His message and example of unconditional love.
The truth does not change with the direction of the winds or with the human interests.
It resists everything because it proceeds from God and it leads to Him.

Writing team of the Spiritism Moment, based on the book Happy Days, chapter Impossible Silence, from Divaldo Pereira Franco, dictated by the spirit of Amélia Rodrigues.


Translation: Edison Napoleão Araujo – Curitiba – Winter 2005
Source: Federação Espírta do Paraná (Spiritist Federation of Paraná – Brazil) – site: