Allan Kardec spiritist group of New Zealand
Welcome All.
This is a study group based in New Zealand dedicated to the study and dissemination of Spiritism in English.
Blessings all around.
AKSGNZ is a Nonprofit Charitable Organization, and we depend on your help to keep our activities going. We appreciate your donation. ASB Bank ALLAN KARDEC SPIRITIST GROUP OF NZ 12-3287-0117313-000

Who We Are
The Allan Kardec Spiritist Group of New Zealand is a charitable non-profit organization established in Auckland, New Zealand in 2005.
Since then, the aim of the group is to disseminate Spiritism in English from New Zealand to the world.
Most public meetings are held in English as a sign of respect for the country’s official language.
It is also to help all English speakers to feel welcome and all Brazilians and other non native speakers who come along to improve their English.
When this is not possible we will endeavor to provide English translation for those who need it.

Allan Kardec Spiritist Group of New Zealand offers fraternal assistance for those who are suffering from physical, psychological or spiritual challenges. The Fraternal Assistance volunteers will listen and guide you in accordance with the Spiritist teachings.
Please CLICK HERE for more details about this free service.
Please CLICK HERE to make an appointment.
*Disclaimer* This service is FREE of charge. This service is NOT meant to replace any medical treatments prescribed or recommended by your healthcare provider.
ESDE - Estudo sistematizado da doutrina espirita.
SSS - Systematic Study of Spiritism.
Meetings are held every Monday from 19:00 to 20:15.
Registration necessary. If you are interested please send us an email.
Mediumship study course.
Meetings are held every Monday from 19:00 to 20:15.
Registration necessary. If you are interested please send us an email.
If you have a child aged between 5 and 13 years old, you are welcome to bring them along to our little group. Simply contact us and request an enrolment form prior to your visit.
From 31st July, Sundays 10:15 – 11:45